Seance Interrupted?

I looked through the window and noticed that a group of people appeared to be standing around in candlelight. I hesitated for a moment, thinking they were dinner guests and wondered if I should interrupt them.

Paranormal Timeslips

As strange as it sounds, paranormal timeslips are more common than you may think and have been reported by people around the globe. Many people believe that paranormal timeslips occur because time is nonlinear. In essence, there is no past, present, or future, as they all happen simultaneously.

Haunted Ghost Road in Springfield, Maine

Skeptics have a difficult time dispelling the belief that ghosts roam this little dirt road in Springfield, Maine – particularly when the road’s official name is “Ghost Road.” Whether named in jest or a reflection of an eerie reality – no one really knows for sure. Some, however, would say that the spooks that haunt that part… Continue reading Haunted Ghost Road in Springfield, Maine

Haunted Schools: Edith A Lombard

Residents of the tiny community of Springfield, Maine, claim that Edith Lombard, a former teacher, and principal at the Springfield Elementary School, may have left this earth but that her spirit continues to walk in the halls of her namesake. The Edith A. Lombard Elementary School served the local area for nearly half a century… Continue reading Haunted Schools: Edith A Lombard

Three out of Four Americans Claim Belief in the Paranormal

Nearly 75 Percent of Americans Believe in the Paranormal — Gallup According to a 2005 Gallup survey, 73 percent of Americans believe in at least one of the ten selected topics used to assess the belief in the paranormal. How the topics were selected and whether they adequately assess American beliefs in the paranormal is… Continue reading Three out of Four Americans Claim Belief in the Paranormal

Are Paranormal Reality Shows Legit?

Paranormal reality shows are some of the best unintentional comedy in the history of recorded entertainment. Wil Wheaton Are Paranormal Reality Shows legit? As you all know, Prarnomal Reality Shows intrigue me, but I am often left thinking they are all a ruse. Nothing turns me off quite like someone suddenly proclaiming a spirit is… Continue reading Are Paranormal Reality Shows Legit?

Terror in The Woods

  I took some time today to watch a few episodes of Terror in the Woods and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the series. I had seen ads for the show and assumed it was just another over-sensationalized series and never bothered to watch it. I really like the series for a number… Continue reading Terror in The Woods