Hauntings: What is an Inhuman Spirit?

spooky pig
Inhuman Spirits May Manifest as Half-Man and Half-Beast

What is an Inhuman Spirit?

Inhuman spirits are exactly what the name implies. These spirits are inhuman and have never been human. They exist as an entity of their own. Some claim that inhuman spirits are demons or evil spirits that were cast out of heaven with Satan. These spirits roam the earth in search of someone whom they can possess.

What do Inhuman Spirits want?

It is believed that inhuman spirits harbor extreme hatred toward humans and that all of their activities are designed to pave the way to breaking the person’s will and taking possession of their body.

What do Inhuman Spirits look like?

Inhuman spirits are able to manifest themselves in any form they choose but generally manifest as half-man and half-animal. The body may resemble the human form with a grotesque head and face of an evil being. The legs may be covered with hair resembling a beast. These spirits are neither male nor female but may manifest as either, in a human form, if it serves their purpose.

What are the signs of an Inhuman Spirit?

Signs of inhuman spirits are a ferocious growl or other frightening sounds that appear to be coming from all directions. Some have reported the experience of the entire home appearing to breathe. The overpowering stench of rotting flesh often accompanies an inhuman spirit.

The air in the haunted area may appear heavy, much like dense fog, and the temperature often changes drastically, usually getting much warmer.

These spirits may bite, push, shove, scratch, and attack without provocation. Raised welts and lesions may suddenly appear on the body.

Inhuman spirits possess great strength and power. They can throw people or heavy objects through the air. They even cause people and objects to levitate. It appears that the goal of the inhuman spirit is to break the will of the individual so they can take control.

The Exorcist: An Example of an Inhuman Spirit.

The movie The Exorcist portrays the events that can transpire with an inhuman haunting. The events in the movie were based on a case of a documented possession and exorcism of a 12-year-old boy from Mt. Rainier, Maryland, in 1949. Although some events were enhanced, or even fabricated for the movie, many of the events were documented by witnesses in the Mt. Rainier case. The appearance of the word hell in raised welts on the body actually appeared in the Mt. Rainier case. The word was spelled out on the abdomen of the boy so that when he looked down, he could read it.

Inhuman Spirits are deceitful

Inhuman spirits may appear intelligent but should not be confused with intelligent ghosts. They are deceitful and will use any means necessary to gain control of your body.

They may have knowledge of events in your life that you think only the spirit of a departed loved one may know. This is merely trickery to convince you that they are benign. They are not.

During an investigation, the inhuman spirit may suddenly appear to be friendly and may even manifest as a lost soul searching for answers. The reason is simple. The inhuman spirit wants to avoid detection by those who have the power to remove it from the area.

It wants to prevent a blessing or exorcism of the home. It is important to keep in mind the actions that have been reported prior to an investigator’s visit and not be fooled by the sudden appearance of sweet Aunt Bertha.

Avoid Interaction

If you suspect that you have an inhuman spirit in your home, do not attempt to exorcise the home on your own, and do not rely on the skills of well-meaning friends who think they know what to do. Seek the assistance of a reputable organization or the clergy immediately.

Inhuman spirits are dangerous and should not be taken lightly, and definitely are nothing to play with. Paranormal and religious leaders warn that playing with an Ouija Board or otherwise inviting the inhuman spirit to interact with you should be avoided. Attempts to provoke the spirit or demands placed on the spirit by an untrained individual may make matters much worse.


  1. Hi I was wondering if someone could help me… I’ve been having these dreams that I’m speaking with an inhuman spirit in my room every night for a week now.. Each time I wake up.. I can’t move when I’m finally able to move I wake up.. And I’m not in my bed in in the middle of my house.. Idk if I’m going insane or what.. Has anyone ever had anything similar?

    1. Ashley, If I understand correctly you are saying you wake up somewhere else in the home. What are you doing when you ‘wake up’? If you are waking up while walking around, it sounds like sleepwalking to me. Not being able to move sounds like sleep paralysis, but I’ve never heard of sleep paralysis and sleepwalking together (but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen). I’d suggest talking to your doctor to rule out a sleep disorder before you assume the dreams of talking to an inhuman spirit are the cause. Let us know what you find out.

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