Haunted Ghost Road in Springfield, Maine

Skeptics have a difficult time dispelling the belief that ghosts roam this little dirt road in Springfield, Maine – particularly when the road’s official name is “Ghost Road.” Whether named in jest or a reflection of an eerie reality – no one really knows for sure.

Some, however, would say that the spooks that haunt that part of town are no laughing matter.


As the story goes, a young blonde-haired girl was killed riding her bike on the road many years ago – but it seems she was doomed to remain forever. The details of the story vary – depending on who you talk to.


Old-timers claim that a young blonde-haired girl was riding her bike along the Ghost Road when she encountered a woman in a horse and carriage. The woman reportedly stopped to offer the young girl a ride.

The little girl peered into the old woman’s bright-green eyes and told her she was not allowed to ride with strangers.

Upon returning home, the frightened girl relayed the story to her parents, who told her the woman was the green-eyed witch and to keep her distance.

Sometime later, the young girl decided to ignore her parent’s warnings and went for another ride on her bike — but she never returned.

Little girl lost

When her parents set out to find her, all they uncovered was an abandoned wagon with the little girl’s bike cast to the side. The little girl and the green-eyed witch were nowhere to be found.

Modern versions of the story include an automobile instead of the wagon — but all agree that the little girl mysteriously disappeared, leaving her bike behind.

Ghostly Apparitions

Old timers report seeing the ghostly image of a little girl riding her bike in the distance, but as she approaches, she mysteriously disappears.

Other stories include seeing the wicked green-eyed witch driving down the road in her wagon and suddenly vanishing as she approaches.

Whether there is any truth to this ghostly tale is unknown – but local residents will tell you that something evil lurks further up the road near the old Cushman Cemetery.

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