Disappearing Object Phenomenon: Is it For Real?

Disappearing Object Phenomenon, referred to as DOP or The DOPler Effect is a strange and sometimes bizarre event that happens in homes all across America everyday. You’ve probably even experienced it yourself. Perhaps you were watching TV and when you reached for the remote it had mysteriously disappeared. Now that in itself is nothing to be concerned about. But, you enlisted the help of everyone in the family to help you search your home and it was nowhere to be found. Suddenly it reappears exactly where it should have been. How could everyone have missed it right there in plain sight?

It’s the DOPler Effect.

So exactly where did your remote go and how did it reappear? No one knows for sure, but there are several theories.

# 1 The first of which is, yep, you guessed it; plain old forgetfulness. It may seem like objects have a mind of their own and simply show up somewhere else when you aren’t looking. But the truth is; you probably did forget that you moved it. When the object is finally located, you can often think back to prior to losing it and recall leaving the room or answering the phone, probably with the item in hand. And there it is right where you stopped to pet the cat or get a drink of water.

This really isn’t DOP at all, at least not as far as the paranormal kind goes.

But that wasn’t the case with the disappearing remote. Okay. So we ruled out that you didn’t absentmindedly take the remote to another room and forget it. Now what?

#2 Well, the second most common reason for objects going missing and reappearing in the same location, is; someone else moved it and when they saw you upset and searching they didn’t want to own up to it. They quietly sneaked it back in its proper place when you weren’t looking. Admittedly, if you have kids this is a plausible explanation.

But everyone was accounted for and you are absolutely sure no one moved the remote when you weren’t looking.

Hm. Now that’s getting interesting.

# 3 Many psychics and paranormal researchers claim that the object slips into another dimension and returns to our dimension later on. This, of course, is just a theory and there really isn’t any evidence to support that multiple dimensions really exist, let alone that your remote has visited one.

# 4 Others attribute it to ghostly activity, either because the spirit wishes to communicate with you or he thinks it’s funny to see you running around looking for the remote. You have to admit it.  If you were a ghost and had no way to interact with us mortals thumbing our noses at your existence, a good game of hide and seek would probably break up the monotony a bit.

Whatever the reason, we all know that objects do disappear when no one is looking. We’ve all experienced the DOPler Effect at one time or another, but probably didn’t think anyone would believe us if we told them.

So what do you say? Have you experienced The DOPler Effect? Drop a line in the comments and share your stories.


  1. My wife and I purchased a home 4 years ago, we come to find out that it’s on an indian berial ground. Over the past four years on a weakly bases my wifes things have gone missing, from clothes to flip flops etc etc you name it it has gone missing. My theory was that she knows what she has she just don’t know where she has it, being that she has too much stuff. My wife is very intelagent she’s a CPA and a controller of a large company. It’s a the point where she thinks I’m doing it to her to make her crazy and loose her mind. The arguments never end over this I keep saying I don’t want to hear about it any more. We’re at the point of getting a divorce, I’m a very honest person with good morals, I would never take from anyone so for me I get very defensive and loose my temper nowing she really thinks it’s me. We’re in counciling now because the way I get and lash out at her when she accusses me of taking her stuff, allot of the things she claims I’m not aware of her having until the other day she said her flip flops that I know she has and had them on the other day when we came back from the shore, they are now missing from the closet, I told her not to worry no sense in getting a divorce over this and went out and bought her three new pairs of sandles. I’m starting to believe her could anyone shine some light on my situation, any thoughts of convincing me that we have a (tough for me to say) ghost in out house?

    1. If your wife believes you are moving or taking the things, then she must be convinced they are actually moving or missing. I’m sure that she does not want to entertain the thought that “something else” is doing it and assumes it must be you. If neither of you have issues with memory, then you need to consider that whatever is going on is not the work of either of you. Many people do experience this. Perhaps she accuses you because you have not taken her seriously when she says things are missing. Maybe it would help if you sat down and discussed the missing items without you telling her you don’t want to hear about it. She may be frightened and confused about what is happening and depending on you to support her. Of course, I don’t know either of you so I could be way off base with this. But, I do think it is possible she is being 100% honest about the things missing.

  2. I have no trouble believing these accounts. Objects have been disappearing around me for years now. I only had one object return. It was a lighter for which I had looked quite a bit. I finally gave up and bought two more lighters of a different color than the one that went missing. A couple of days later I was straightening out magazines on the coffee table when the lighter seemed to fall out of the sky and landed with a thud right beside me.

    What I find challenging is that this seems to be happening more frequently and with other people as witnesses. My explanation is that I am “jumping” from one reality to another. Unfortunately they, the parallel realities, are similar, but there are subtle differences. The not so subtle manifestation of this phenomena are the disappearing objects which for some reason stay in one time line and don’t follow me when I “jump” to another.

    I have learned that I can’t really discuss this with everybody. And this is simply my theory. I find all this fascinating on one level, and inconvenient as hell on the other.

    1. You could be right with your theory of parallel realities. I recently bought a new pair of garden pruners. I used them once and brought them inside. I thought I laid them on a table near my backdoor where I keep garden items. The next day, I went to get them and they were gone. I searched everywhere for them. I finally concluded that I must have thrown them away with some trash from the yard. The next day, I walked to the table and put my hand right on the garden pruners. There is no way I could have missed them in my search and no one else used or touched them. Where they were, or why I couldn’t see them, is beyond me. It left me scratching my head.

  3. Why is it that only small items disappear? Has anyone had a relatively large object go unaccounted for? I’d like to hear about it.

    1. I haven’t experienced large objects “going missing”, but I have read a couple of accounts of relatively large ones. If memory serves, someone shared and experience where a bag of potatoes disappeared. Another person claimed a melon disappeared of the counter. Not huge items, but not tiny either.

    2. The answer could be that they’re lighter objects and thus manageable to remove. Missing cars are easier to explain.

    3. The most recent ‘missing’ item was a large item. A pair of pants. To keep the story short, I turned my back for approximately 45 seconds, when I turned around a pair of pants had disappeared and all that was left was an empty hanger in the middle of the bed. Now, I don’t joke about a ghost in our house and when people think I’m losing my mind, I don’t chuckle. The pants were too large to be misplaced when I only briefly turned my back. They’ve not yet returned. I no longer think I’m nuts. This is real.

      1. This has happened to me many times. Most recently it was my hairdryer which has been in the same spot for 5 years. My therapist tried to convince me it was forgetfulness. I live in one room apartment with a bathroom. A hairdryer doesn’t move from the bathroom. And I can assure you it is not here.

        1. I had a rather amusing experience recently myself. As the weather turned chilly again, I found myself looking for some nice, fluffy socks. I looked in the drawer where they should be and there weren’t any there. I looked in other drawers and looked back in the same drawer multiple times.

          No socks.

          I decided they must all be in the dirty clothes. When I did my laundry, I only found three pair. I took the clothes upstairs to put them away. I opened the sock drawer, and it was filled with all my nice, fluffy socks.

          I can’t imagine how I could not have seen them after looking for them multiple times.

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